
#1. Before the fight:

  • The following advice assumes melee will be able to stay within range of the boss the entire fight. If your raid requires melee to sit out of the Arcane Explosion, you will not be able to execute a high speed clear.
  • Pre-pot [Greater Arcane Protection Potion]. Do it during the trash pulls leading up to the boss.
  • Take a look at your clear times. This fight is one of the shorter fights in Molten Core. Use your cooldowns right away.
  • If your take down is <15s, you may find it desirable to blow Blade Flurry before the start of the fight, freeing up the energy and GCD.

#2. During the fight:

  • Half the fight is being in the fight. This advice is universal, but even a short delay will cost you when the fight is amongst the shortest in the game.
  • Mid fight [Greater Arcane Protection Potion]. Do it after your last one expires.